Football: 4 goals

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hello ive got a under 10s team im trying to make them?

hello ive got a under 10s team im trying to make them pass and move and get the player who has the ball support we are playing seven a side at the moment i play 3-2-1

gavin prince Coach, England

U12s use both feet in training but on match days only use stronger foot?

I coach an under 12s team and although in training we do lots of passing and shooting drills, using both feet, when it comes to a game situation (in training or on Sunday) they all go back to only kicking using their stronger foot.

Ian Marsh Coach, England

I am running a summer session for ages 5 - 11. The?

I am running a summer session for ages 5 - 11. The session will last for 3 hours, I am only used to doing 1 hour session. amp; lt;br / amp; gt;Has anyone got any drills / ideas to keep the children interested for this length of time? amp; lt;br / amp; gt;Thanks in advance. amp; lt;br / amp; gt;Jon.

Jon Baines Coach, England

I currently train a under 7's team - i cuurently use?

I currently manage and coach a under 7's team - i curently use the FA Level 1 coaching games as well as games from these webpages. We go indoor training from this week in a school hall - could anyone point me in the direction of some training games that could take place indoors - thanks in advance

Andy Coach, England

My U'16 team can't get going in the first half

My under 16 team just cant seem to get going in the first half but come out strong in the second! I feel this is a bit of a sports psycology issue! I have heard a few of them say." Well, we know what the opposition are like after 40 mins! I need to install belief!

Archived User Coach

Attacking the ball for U10s

I am a coach of a U10 girl’s team, who for the majority haven't previously played.   I'm finding that they are now shying away from the ball and moving backwards instead of closing the gap, tackling or putting the attacking team under pressure when they have the ball. Does anyone have any tips or drills that I can use to help them overcome this?

Archived User Coach

Team thrashed every week - where to start?

Team keep getting thrashed every week - where to start? Having been the sole coach/manager of a little league team for the past two years, this year I lost all my senior players. I was therefore presented with 10 brand new lads, some of whom have never played competitive football. We are 8 games in and my lads are getting thrashed every week. The main problems are that they cannot get the ball out of their half, positions are usually a mess, finishing and chance creation are non-existent, and they don't apply any pressure or are unable to tackle. The main problems are keeping the ball as a team, getting it in the opponents half and staying there, and creating/finishing chances. I only have 1 and a half hours a week with them. I don't really know what to do, and I'm a little desperate. Does anybody have any advice? Thanks for literally anything.

Coach, England

How to instill confidence and belief - going from 9 a side to 11 a side

Our under 12's have made the jump from 9 a side to 11 a side. We have entered a big city league were results are hard to come by. We play a super 1st half and lose it massively 2nd half, through heads down & fitness. Any suggestions on confidence boosting & training drills to help steady a ship. We are playing a 4 - 2 -3 - 1 formation.Yes we are getting a bit of negativity from the parents to, which does not help. Thank you in advance.

Archived User Coach

Where to start training my two U12 groups?

I am coaching two U12 boys groups. They have minimal training in the past, I have worked on dribbling and passing. Just starting 1 v 1s. I am training now in a gym, was wondering if any one had any drills that would work with approx. 15 kids?

Archived User Coach

How can I improve defensive shape after a failed press?

With my U16 team, I often like to use high presses throughout matches and have scored a number of goals as a result. The problem is, often the triggers are only recognised by a few of the players, leading to a failed press. Obviously I will have to work with them on recognising press triggers, however how can I help improve the overall team shape after a press has failed? For example, say 3 players; a left midfielder, centre midfielder and centre forward in a 4-3-3 have attempted a press in the opposition's right back position. The press has failed and now the team is 3 players short and facing a counter attack.

Ben Lowry Coach, England

How do you introduce 3 and 4 year old children to soccer

What are some of the activities in which i could use to engage and motivate children of the age 3 and 4 years old into soccer.i am looking at introducing a kindergarden soccer club and just wish to know some more ideas on implementing this.

Archived User Coach

introduction to football

hi to allmy club has signed up to a Queensland miniroo's program to introduce children to football it is to be both fun and show discipline. This is from age's 4 to 11 it runs for 6 weeks, there will then be the chance for the children to join the club after this or as a club we can continue to run for the 2016 session , fitness isn't the main objective,just skills and enjoyment.Would you like to give some advise on the kind of drills that you would run in this kind of environment remembering that its only a introduction. I have detailed drills that we currently run for are established players.Thank you karl

Karl waters Coach, Australia

Recovering from two quick fire goals

After watching the Arsenal game at the weekend, it seemed very much apparent that the two quick goals for Arsenal effectively killed the game off, with Arsenal not really requiring to come out of second gear. I was wondering if anyone had any tips about how you can motivate a team's head not to drop, and attempt to fight back into a game from 2--0 after ~20 minutes?

John Bryan Coach, Australia

best drills to do for new under 9players

What's the best drills for under 9 that is also fun and exciting for that. My team is new so looking for fun way to train but also let me see how what they are best at Asked using Sportplan Mobile App

stephen phillips Coach, England

Best way to defend against a speedy forward?

Hello,I regularly play a team that has a speed forward with a good shot. I wanted to get some opinions from anyone who has had success limiting these types of players. He is probably a step or 2 faster than my normal defenders. Regularly racks up goals by being one of the fastest players in the league.In the past we have tried a 4-4-1 with a man mark. Sticking a speed guy on him the full game. It has slowed him down but also limited us on offense. We lost each game by a goal.I was also thinking about using a 5-4-1 formation with more defenders to cut down on thru ball lanes for him.Any other thoughts?ThanksChad

Chad Bruns Coach, United States of America

I have no natural strikers help!

So I have no out and out strikers this year at U16 level and we have scored one goal in 3 games and that was a penalty any ideas on formations and drills to encourage attacking football from the midfield?

Chris Eagles Coach, England

Drills for 4 and 5 year olds |...

Hi all, I've just started coaching a soccer team of 4 and 5 year olds and would like to discuss with my fellow coaches any drills which you have found to be safe, fun and valuable to the younger age group. I have my level 1 course under my belt and have difficulty in applying what I've learnt to the small kids. They get bored very quickly and are only interested in playing a match at the end of the session. They have no interest in passing the ball or shooting at goal whilst doing drills. Running with the ball is no problem as they are keeping active and all have a ball at their feet. As soon as they line up or have to share a ball, there are problems. I have a variety of drills which I run through with them, traffic lights, robin hood, alamo, sharks and fishes to name a few with variations of each but I crave more as everywhere I search caters for U6 upwards. I coach an U8 side midweek and have no problem with these lads as they are that bit older and have a greater level of concentration. (not by much mind). So I'm asking for advice from anyone who has coached 4 and 5 YOs and would like to know what has worked for you. PM replies welcome.  Marc

Archived User Coach

where on the field can I play ...

where on the field can I play a slow player

Archived User Coach

Managing Substitutions u9s - 7...

Hi I have quite a large squad (11) for my U9s team. Sometimes not all of them turn up but when they do managing the substitutions can be a nightmare. Have tried planning it out and making 3 subs on a rotation every 6 or 7 minutes. This works OK, just wondered how others do it? Thanks! Asked using Sportplan Mobile App

Andrew Ellis Coach, England


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Cornel Basketball Coach, South Africa


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