Field Hockey: passing drill

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I have an assessment and the task is "Working?

I have an assessment and the task is "Working the ball out of the back left hand corner of defence" - I have a mixed ability group of male and female players including a goalkeeper and have to train them for a one hour session including warm up skills sessions and game related play including progression. Does anyone have any ideas? At presnt I am thinking about focusing on positional play and perhaps doing a bit on possessional play/posting up before the game play situation...any thoughts?

Archived User Coach

Anybody have a drill to get players to stop passing ball back to where it came from?

I am coaching a JV team and my girls keep sending the ball back to where the ball came from.  Are there any good drills that would train them redirect?

carla mccarron Coach, United States of America

Ideas for a 15 min session on First Touch informing next move?

what 15 minute session could i plan for a first touch informing the next move drill?

Susie McFarlane Coach, England

How to improve my ball skills?

How do I improve ball skills in s small space indoors? Are there any drills or practice plans that you feel are helpful?

Archived User Coach

Typical session for Juniors

Why wont this session open for me when i log in its not there ??

Onny Gajadhar Coach, New Zealand

How do you do a good hockey warm up with just ball and stick

hockey warm up basic equipment 5 mins

Ellie Coach, England

Drills for 1 or 2 players

hi. i recently started playing hockey again after 7 years and looking for drills me and my brother can do to help get my technique back. like first touch and shooting dribbling etc. i am a striker

owen hankey Coach, United States of America

Drills for large numbers?

Has anyone got good drills/practices for Under 12s. I have a very large group of kids and looking for drills that work with large numbers?

megan Coach, Scotland

training program indoor hockey

Hello, I am working with my hockey coach of younger age groups in Turkey. can you help with training planning and technical tactical work

Recep Öz Coach, Turkey


I'm new to coaching and i'm coaching a team that barely knows how to even hold a stick properly. Where can i start with improving there skills and hockey kowledge ?

Liancke Laureti Coach, South Africa

Adding Drills to My Folder

Hi, how do I add a practice from the Drills section to My Folders - e.g. a hockey passing drill into a Hockey folder in My Folders? Thank you.

Andy Kenward Coach, England

Problems Clearing the Circle

I'm in the U.S., coaching a team of 11-12 year olds, with 1-2 years of experience. Defending the circle, when the ball is loose, my players are not getting control of the ball to hit out of the circle. It's congested with opponent and my team's players. If my players get control, they lose it quickly. If the opponent has control, my players aren't very good at taking the ball or stopping the opponent from taking a shot. Luckily we have a good goalie but she can only do so much. (Full disclosure: I didn't play FH but have a decent understanding of the game. No one else in my community would step up to coach so it's fallen to me.)

Brandon Cowart Coach, United States of America

Hockey- Best Passing Drills for U11/12

What is the best passing drill to help my U11/12 feel more positive. They are a development group

RAB Sport Plan Coach, England

triangle defense

how do you defend properly against triangle passing .. any drill suggestions

Brittany angelica Coach, United Arab Emirates

Counter Attacking

Have any other coaches got tips, advice or drill ideas on how i can improve my team's ability to counter attack?

Jack Grundy Coach, England

drills to teach a beginner on push pass

drills toteach a beginner on push pass

Collins Acheampong Coach, Ghana

Anybody have a drill to get pl...

I am coaching a JV team and my girls keep sending the ball back to where the ball came from.  Are there any good drills that would train them redirect?

carla mccarron Coach, United States of America

Coaching plan (season outline)...

Hi all, after "volunteering" at the last minute to coach last season, I'm looking forward to coaching again this season but would like to be a bit more organised starting the season. Last season I used drills from here (thank you contributors) and put together a practice plan each week addressing what I thought were our weakness from the game just played. This got us through the season, we were promoted after grading and finished the season in the top 4 playoffs for our grade.I wonder if there is some kind of guide to putting a more coherent training plan together for the season.I'm coaching a boys secondary school team, aged 12-18. What kind of skills should they have mastered?What should they be attempting, working towards mastering (individually and as a team)?I last played as a collage boy on grass fields, the change to turf pitches has obviously obsoleted (along with age) much of what I knew as a player.Any pointers appreciated.David

David Smith Coach, New Zealand

Hockey- Best Passing Drills fo...

What is the best passing drill to help my U11/12 feel more positive. They are a development group

RAB Sport Plan Coach, England


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Coaches from around the world look to Sportplan for coaching confidence.

Excellent drills, very detailed videos. Useful site for my U15 boys team.

Parry U15 boys Hockey Coach, Australia

I love using Sportplan. It's been a great help for co-ordinating hockey practice and being able to help tweak skills and getting the most out of my players!

Laura Swezey Hockey Coach, United States

Great site. An absolute must for coaches who are willing to change and learn new drills. Superb, simply superb.

Ignatius D'souza India

Wow what a great website, I have found sportplan an important tool for me when planning my netball sessions with my netball team. There are alot of very helpful tips/ideas/skills that I can learn and teach to my team. Thank you sportplan I hope to continue to use your helpful tips and to learn more about improving my teams netball skills. Thanks again....keep it up....

Monique New Zealand

I have been using Sportplan now for 3 years and can honestly say that I have never repeated the same session twice. My girls are always focused and are improving every year. Thanks Sportplan.

Debbie Cross Australia

What a fantastic tool. The Chalkboard and session tools make an unbelievable difference in making training plans in both time and organization. I will be instructing all of my assistant coaches that this tool must be used for all sessions during the season, so that we may build a club coaching resource library.

Wes Campbell Rugby Coach Canada

I can't get enough of the Sportplan, It has given me back the enthusiasm i was starting to lose. My girls are so keen and are ready at 14 to take the next up in their game. Sportplan will help no end.

Cornel Basketball Coach, South Africa


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