Adapted from Sarah Wall's circuit session published at Athletes spend 2 minutes at each station, with a 30 second jog/walk/rest between stations. The stations each have their own excercise: Agility - Sprint zig-zag pattern between cones. pushing off with outside leg from each cone to change direction. Walk back to start and repeat for station time. Arm Power - 10 seconds of push ups. Then on knees do 10 arm circles clockwise and anti-clockwise. Plyometrics - from one cone to another, walking back to the start between actitvities: Bunny Hops (short fast jumps); Long Jumps; Hops (on Left leg); Hops (on right leg). Core - plank for as long as possible. if unable to hold for full two minutes try to rest for only 10 seconds between attempts. Change of Pace - start at central cone. Sprint out ot fanned cones. Recover back to centre is side-step from two outer cones, defensive slide from two inner cones.
Split team into pairs or groups at each station. Should be working as hard as possible at each station to fit as many repitions in as they can. Repeat entire circuit after 1 minute rest.
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in more ways than one
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