I have thoroughly enjoyed using your site to help me with my coaching plans for my under 9's netball team.
How do you get the shooters to passI have a 9 year old team and the shooter will not pass the ball and thinks that scoring the goals is important instead of playing as a team and getting closer to circle.
Who can send me an example of a training session for a A3 team where the training lasts 1 hours from warn up to warm down
Hi can u give me some ideas on how the shooters would feed themselves closer towards the goal. What i mean is by passing the ball in and out 2 one person and moving closer 2 the goal at the same time . Something simple for girls aged 10.
Hi, I am coaching a group of 10yr old girls who majority have never played netball before. Am I better to rotate them in positions or let them get use to the ones that I allocate them too.. Also what are some good drills that I can teach them Defence or Attack... I have taught them the basics of passing, shooting but need help on alot of other drills... We only have training once a week in which I find hard because I believe they need more training days and we only have 2 training sessions to go till the season starts. Could you please give me some helpful ideas to help my girls understand netball and how to play netball without me having to put the pressure on them like as if I was coaching under 16s or something...
Can someone please advise me on where can I locate sound information on court systems? Thanks. Wendy
Do you have a drill for 8 year olds to teach them how to get closer to the goal?
Quick feeding into circle
This year I was given the u/10 and u/11 netball girls to coach but none of them has ever played netball where do I start
how to get into the goal circle when shooters are being zoned out
What is the best way to intercept a lob out in mid court and also goal circle?
Hi im coaching the grade 1 netball team this year. Its my first time coaching so i just want some tips on how to start with practice. Some easy drills and things to do with them to make it fun and so they can learn.Thank youLindie
Ive got 2 girls that have never played before and they keep driving to catch the ball into the thrower's space, i've tried to tell them to move out the space and even spent a whole training session teaching the team how to use space on the court but they still keep trying to catch the ball next to or just in front of the player, does anyone know any drills that encourage driving away from the ball and down the court away from the thrower?
Our School netball coach resigned last night. I am an assistant coach for soccer, coach for volleyball, assistant coach for basketball and now will be a caretaker for our netball team due to play finals tomorrow. What drills and tactics can I use today at training to prepare them for a school tournament finals tomorrow?I need your prompt assistance please
Our new season starts in September. When planning do coaches plan for the entire season? The first four sessions? The first three months? Also do you start with maybe four sessions on defence then four on attack? Or do you mix it up?
please can someone list some technical netball terms?
what are the best ways for WD and C to effectively defend on the circle
My WD asked me how she defend better around the circle does anyone have any ideas that may help with this...thanks
how to get into the goal circle when shooters are being zoned out
My WD has worked hard on getting her placement so when the ball is feeding into the circle, she is keeping her WA away and to the side, generally the WA is fed an overhead ball heading towards the the back corner. The WD knows what pass is coming, and it's placement, she feels confident she could challenge more, so need some drills to practise holding her player, but then moving round her opponent at the last moment to try and go for the ball as well as holding.
they are shooting from too far away and are missing a lot of goals Do I take them back to basics? they are 12 year old girls. We lost the grand final by 3 goals and there has been a team change for the Spring season.
in more ways than one
Here are the 5 ways that you can kickstart your 2025 in the correct way with Sportplan and make this the best coaching year you have had!
How did the Modern Olympics originally begin and why are they so culturally significant today?
The Professionalisation of Netball is changing the game. Here is how it is helping to develop the sport.
Coaches from around the world look to Sportplan for coaching confidence.