I have thoroughly enjoyed using your site to help me with my coaching plans for my under 9's netball team.
My senior team is having difficulty with side line throw ins. Can you please give me some direction or set moves I can use at training. Thank you
How do you train to get past a zone defence. Kind regards Madeleine
Hi everyone!! I need some help.... Does anyone know any easy but fast side line or back line throw ins and who should take it. What about any drills for centre pass or to releasing the balls faster and not wait until the opposition player is with them.
how can I improve my contact and offside, are there any drills that I can use so here are less penalty's given away in a game
I played netball last night against a team that used zone defence. It worked very well for them, but I'm not sure how to try and stop them and get the ball through.
Hello all, I have been coaching my u10's currently for 2 years now. They are a fabulous little team i.e. gs holds and defence box out etc however we are never winning games! They are currently playing up a year and after sitting back and watching what is going wrong I had noticed they all seem to be in one area so no-one can drive into a space to receive a direct fast ball. When this occasionally does happen the ball is not released fast enough and consequently intercepted! I was wondering if anyone has an tips on space, driving into space, and early passes! This team could be amazing if we sort this is out! Please help!!!!!!!!!
best way to teach defending a lob pass. My girls are very short so opposing teams constantly lob.
Now please correct me if Im wrong, but I played a game of netball today, and there was so much contact and obstruction that was not being picked up. Both teams were complaining about it, and when we asked the umpire why none of it was being picked up, she replied, that its only contact if you have complete possession of the ball. So basically if you do not have the ball you can push your player out the way and that isn't contact (by this state umpire....apparently) we were absolutely floored and were having a huge laugh at this. Is this what netball is coming to? I have never heard this before and would love for some opinions if i have completely got contact and obstruction wrong. Secondly, I have recently taught my U11s shooters to pass around the goal post for a back line throw in. My question is, what constitutes a short pass in this instance, as they apparently (I was on the opposite side of the court) didn't have much between their hands when they passed, but didn't get called and the umpire was right there. GF is this weekend and would hate for them to do it and get called, so just wanted to get some clarification from some of the umpiring gurus on here.
How do you train to get past a zone defence. Kind regards Madeleine
Playing ball off post from back line pass
I am going to be playing against a short shooter in the next 2 games (I'm about 7inches taller than her) and I want to do some drills that will help me with defending the drop ball and low balls into the circle. Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks, Siobhan
Please help I am the coach of 9 13/u girls. We currently playing in Blegue but we are struggling. I sit and watch how other teams play they look like well oiled machines with every girl knowing her place and what to do, in comparison our girls look"messy" they still crowd the ball running in to the person who's got the ball. At times when they do spread it they tend to "hug" the boundary lines staying within 2 m of it. They rely on overhead passes a lot . Or very short passes around 2-3m apart. And our biggest struggle is to score of our own centre passes. We just don't seem to be able to get the ball across the line. Please help
How do I coach my team to successfully convert turnovers? What are your favourite drills / pieces of advice?
I played netball last night against a team that used zone defence. It worked very well for them, but I'm not sure how to try and stop them and get the ball through.
Can a bounce pass from a short distance between two players be penalized for a short pass?
Lately my players have been passing to the other team. Their timing is off and their play is way to fast down court.
Hello all, I have been coaching my u10's currently for 2 years now. They are a fabulous little team i.e. gs holds and defence box out etc however we are never winning games! They are currently playing up a year and after sitting back and watching what is going wrong I had noticed they all seem to be in one area so no-one can drive into a space to receive a direct fast ball. When this occasionally does happen the ball is not released fast enough and consequently intercepted! I was wondering if anyone has an tips on space, driving into space, and early passes! This team could be amazing if we sort this is out! Please help!!!!!!!!!
Hi, I'm co-coaching an U13 team. The players are a mix of experienced, but mostly inexperienced players, with a couple of players who are really talented (these are two of our inexperienced players). All players are new to each other. The girls won every game at the district grading days and we were upgraded two levels. We are now in round 6 of the competition and the girls have lost every game and we just lost from the team that was below them on the ladder. We've had a couple of injuries and one was quite bad in round 4 requiring surgery which has shaken the girls as well. They are starting to lose heart and their game is deteriorating. How do we keep them motivated?
How is the best way to defend a GS who is a foot taller than the GK and can hold faily well (and no exageration I have a very short team so putting a different defender wont change much )
in more ways than one
Here are the 5 ways that you can kickstart your 2025 in the correct way with Sportplan and make this the best coaching year you have had!
How did the Modern Olympics originally begin and why are they so culturally significant today?
The Professionalisation of Netball is changing the game. Here is how it is helping to develop the sport.
Coaches from around the world look to Sportplan for coaching confidence.