A very easy to use website with helpful drills to help my players develop.
What are the essential coaching points required to catch a ball if you were in deep field?
Can a batter step out of the side of the box to hit the ball?
The batter steps out of the side of the batting square before the bowler releases the ball. The ball hits the batter! what does the umpire call?
The batter steps out of the side of the batting square before the bowler releases the ball, the ball passes on the non hitting side of the batter! what does the umpire call?
The bowler has run out of the box to 4th and the batter is running past 2nd another fielder steps into the bowling box with the ball... Does the batter have to stop or does it need to be the bowler with the ball in the box?
in rounders what is the perfect stance?
If a fielder deflects a hit ball that is then caught by another fielder without it touching the ground, is this classed as out?
...where it will list and describe playing terminology such as shave, tackle-back, steal, forehand.
If I am stood at first post when second post is tagged, the ball is then thrown somewhere else but miss fielded (not the bowler square) and I run on and get all the way around tagging fourth do I score?
What happens if you step out of the box when batting in rounders? Is the batter out or is it a no ball?
what is the long barrier in rounders and why use it
When the last batter is called in and therefore has the choice of three good balls, if they are caught out on the first or second ball before they are in reach of or at first post, can they declare that they are not taking that ball and return to the batting square to take the final ball?
the fielder successfully throws the ball against a base trying to get out a runner?
I'm a backstop and I am not really sure what to do as I just started playing backstop.
When is a ball - a No Ball?
If a player doesn't hit the ball and completes a rounder, what score is awarded to that player?
I hit the ball and get to 2nd base when 4th base is stumped, I then run onto 4th post before the bowler receives the ball in the bowling square. What score do I receive?
If a batter reaches 2nd post and 3rd is stumped, but then the ball is throw and not caught by the bowler, can the batter continue her run to 3rd and 4th? Would she be out, would she score half, would she score a full rounder?
Here are the 5 ways that you can kickstart your 2025 in the correct way with Sportplan and make this the best coaching year you have had!
How did the Modern Olympics originally begin and why are they so culturally significant today?
The Professionalisation of Netball is changing the game. Here is how it is helping to develop the sport.
Coaches from around the world look to Sportplan for coaching confidence.