Swimming: swimming

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swimming ANSWERS
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For a swimming coach like me how do you put your own?

For a swimming coach like me how do you put your own sesions on your accound using the chalkboard?

Archived User Coach

what is a good 45 min swimming programme?ive juat started?

what is a good 45 min swimming programme?ive juat started swimming after 15 years off so im quite unfit but have managed to do between 40-50 (25m)lengths.i just want to loose a bit of weight and get fitter,i go 3 times a week early in the morning so if anyone can come up with a programme it would be much apprecieated.

Archived User Coach

Hi, how can I get swimming drills for beginners?

Hi, how can I get swimming drills for beginners? thank you

Archived User Coach

Does swimming and mountain climbing in contrary with each other?

Does swimming and mountain climbind in contrary with each other? i do both and even some workouts on my stomach to reduce its fat but the lifeguard said you can't make progress in your swimming this way. those sports made youre body hard while swim needs a soft body. i want to know how true is it? and Shoud I stop these? he said my muscles aren't relaxed in water (swim likes a robot) .or maybe the problem is something else?

Archived User Coach

swimming for fitness

I want to have fitness body of a swimmer. Doeas swimming 3 days a week enough for me. Or I should do some weight work out besides.I mean doeas swimming seperately gives a well shaped body like a competitor swimmer or It needs to mix ut with gym? if so. at least how much time it takes to get it by only swimming?

Archived User Coach

Hi, I am 14 and I specialise in 50m freestyle sprints.?

Hi, I am 14 and I specialise in 50m freestyle sprints. My current time is around 27 low. I am swimming 5 times a week.I would like to push my time to 25 seconds high at the end of the year. I would like to know what drills I could do to reach this target, as i find that the long distance swimming practise, although it increases stamina, takes toll on my body and doesnt really improve my times. Much appreciated

Archived User Coach

how to write swimming lesson plan

how to write swimming lesson plan

sridhar Coach, India

How can I improve young swimmers balance in a short time?

I have a beginners group of children around the age of 5-9. I need to try and improve there balance on all strokes but I only have three 30 min sessions with them. My boss is looking for something new but that works. please help rapidly running out of ideas.Thanks

Georgia Cain Coach, England

How can I find Swimming Coaches to follow?

How can i follow fellow swimming coaches? I can only see netball etc.

Archived User Coach

What do these abbreviations mean in swimming: FC, BR and BC?

QUE SIGNIFICA ESAS SILABAS EN LOS DRILLES DE NATACION Can some explain what these abbreviations mean when I am taking swimming drills? (translated by Sportplan Team)

Archived User Coach

where do I find swimming lesson plans?

i would like to find some lesson plans for stage 6 butterfly of breastroke

Archived User Coach

Swimming Terminology

What does FC, BC and pull mean in the swimming sessions?

Sally Munro Coach, Australia

Swimming for children with disabilities

Hello, Is there any swimming lesson plans for children with disabilities from 1-7 years old ?Thanks Asked using Sportplan on Mobile

Coach, Thailand

I have now ordered swimming plans -

I have just ordereed swimming plans and paid - when do I receive them and are they online ??

jane ableyy Coach, England


Can I change my sport from Swimming to Rugby.Thank you

Warren Coach, England


Hello,I can't seem to upgrade my subscription. When I click unlock, no options come up to upgrade.

Tom Ruetsch Coach, England

What do these abbreviations me...

QUE SIGNIFICA ESAS SILABAS EN LOS DRILLES DE NATACION Can some explain what these abbreviations mean when I am taking swimming drills? (translated by Sportplan Team)

Archived User Coach

Swimming Terminology | Sportpl...

What does FC, BC and pull mean in the swimming sessions?

Sally Munro Coach, Australia

how to write swimming lesson p...

how to write swimming lesson plan

sridhar Coach, India

How can I find Swimming Coache...

How can i follow fellow swimming coaches? I can only see netball etc.

Archived User Coach


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  • create your own professional coaching plans
  • or access our tried and tested plans

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Coaches from around the world look to Sportplan for coaching confidence.

Wow what a great website, I have found sportplan an important tool for me when planning my netball sessions with my netball team. There are alot of very helpful tips/ideas/skills that I can learn and teach to my team. Thank you sportplan I hope to continue to use your helpful tips and to learn more about improving my teams netball skills. Thanks again....keep it up....

Monique New Zealand

I have been using Sportplan now for 3 years and can honestly say that I have never repeated the same session twice. My girls are always focused and are improving every year. Thanks Sportplan.

Debbie Cross Australia

What a fantastic tool. The Chalkboard and session tools make an unbelievable difference in making training plans in both time and organization. I will be instructing all of my assistant coaches that this tool must be used for all sessions during the season, so that we may build a club coaching resource library.

Wes Campbell Rugby Coach Canada

I can't get enough of the Sportplan, It has given me back the enthusiasm i was starting to lose. My girls are so keen and are ready at 14 to take the next up in their game. Sportplan will help no end.

Cornel Basketball Coach, South Africa


  • search our library of 300+ swimming drills
  • create professional swimming coaching plans
  • or access our tried and tested swimming plans

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