Îλοι οι ÏαίκÏÎµÏ Î³Î·ÏÎÎ´Î¿Ï Î¼Î¿Î¹ÏάζονÏαι Ïε 3 θÎÏÎµÎ¹Ï ÏεÏιÏÎÏÎµÎ¹Î±Ï ÎºÎ±Î¹ ÏÏα 2 γήÏεδα. ÎεκινοÏν αÏειλή αÏÏ Ïον ÏÏάÏινο ÎÏÏ Ïον μÏλε κÏνο και μεÏά ÏÏÎÏÎ¿Ï Î½ ÏÏο αÏÎνανÏι γήÏεδο ÏÏην ίδια θÎÏη ÏÎ¿Ï Î®Ïαν. ÎεÏά αÏÏ ÎºÎ¬Î¸Îµ ÏÎµÏ Î±Î»Î»Î¬Î¶Î¿Ï Î½ θÎÏειÏ, ÏÏÏε να ÏεÏάÏÎ¿Ï Î½ Ïλοι αÏÏ Ïο κÎνÏÏο. ÎÏαιÏοÏνÏαι ÏÎ¿Ï Î»Î¬ÏιÏÏον 12 ÏαίκÏÎµÏ Î³Î·ÏÎÎ´Î¿Ï . 3 set x 8 min
This practice has no coaching points
This practice has no progressions
How did the Modern Olympics originally begin and why are they so culturally significant today?
The Professionalisation of Netball is changing the game. Here is how it is helping to develop the sport.
Scoring more goals is often the key to victory in netball. Here's how Sportplan can help you achieve this.