Excellent site with easy to navigate pages.
hello, i just want to know how can i be a good football adiminstrator or how can be good in football management
Hi there, I am going to be running a soccer (football) program at a preschool this Friday for 3-5 year olds. I would like to start teaching them drills. Whick drills are most appropriate for this age group? I also want to make it a lot of fun! Thanks! Victoria %3A)
I am an American and I find that the languae of Football(Soccer) is diffrent in the UK could some one please help me make sense of it. Example%3A What is a dummy? For me as an American that is not a word I want to use with my 5-6 yearolds but how would I say it in American and UK soccer terms.
Disciplining for misbehaviour? 8-11 year olds, they dont really get bored because i know that sometimes that can be the cause. How or what can i apply a bit of strictness into the team.
Heya guys, I am a new coach, for my local town, we are a new side, in a really tough league, the other managers of the teams, think it is silly, we have made a team for that league, I was told on a match day, that we would not even win one game, or even get a point all year, because the teams are so strong, we have 4 points on the boared at the mo, and are slowly getting there, I was Just wondering, how to bring players out of there shell, and try to increase goal percent -). Josh
Hi can any one help me i am looking for football english programmes teaching in class football terms and expressions and football skills
I'm teaching English football terminology to a Chinese boy who plays football profesionally in China but who will soon move to Europe. Does anyone have any suggestions about what words would be important to teach him on the training side, so he can understand his new coach? I've got the general football lingo covered it's just the more specialist training words I need. Thanks all, Jo.
I am taking over a team next season who will be under 10's and I am wanting to bring in a few new players but don't know what will be the best way to trail them and how long I would trail them for. There are many tournaments pre season would that be a good idea. Also what is the best approach with the lads who are not good enough, how do you break it to them
Hello, I am currently coaching an u9's boys team and a majority of them are well behaved and want to play football, but the odd 1or2 tend to mess around at training which distracts the others. I have sat them out in training and spoken to the parents but still this goes on. Do I decide to kick them out of the team altogether or does anyone know the miracle cure to stop this happening?
Hi guys, I have an under 19 team that is full of very talented players, but they are lacking in strength. They are very good on the ball but struggle with shooting and 50/50s. What can I do to help them as they will be playing senior football next season?
hi to allmy club has signed up to a Queensland miniroo's program to introduce children to football it is to be both fun and show discipline. This is from age's 4 to 11 it runs for 6 weeks, there will then be the chance for the children to join the club after this or as a club we can continue to run for the 2016 session , fitness isn't the main objective,just skills and enjoyment.Would you like to give some advise on the kind of drills that you would run in this kind of environment remembering that its only a introduction. I have detailed drills that we currently run for are established players.Thank you karl
is there any tips i could get that could further my knowledge in coaching within the football aspect of it?
why does my mobile show most sessions locked as if ive not subscribed, whereas laptop shows what i expect with access to lots of sessions
I have a premium membership. I show plans locked which I thought the premium membership would give me access to.Also, plans that I created 6 months to a year ago do not open for me to edit.
how do i get better at shooting
Hi, I am a long time player, first time coach. I am going to be coaching 13-15YO girls who are very enthusiastic and most of the team have good skills already. We are about to start our 2 months of pre-season training and we are still looking for more players to join the team. There will be a small number of beginners in the group. During the open training session we held, I found they got bored very easily. How can I structure our first few sessions to ensure;1. They want to come back 2. They have fun and get to know each other 3. They feel like I am going to be a good coach that will help them develop their skills. I want to make sure they believe in me as a coach while I get the hang of actually coaching. Very overwhelmed at the moment.
Hello all! My kids aged 9 and 7 are very slow when compared to their peers of the same age. They don't seem to fight for the ball and get and watch others play their game. They seem to lack the urgency (heart) needed for the game. (They LOVE football). How can make them move around and react faster. Any help you are able to provide is greatly appreciated. Thanks O
Hello, I am currently coaching an u9's boys team and a majority of them are well behaved and want to play football, but the odd 1or2 tend to mess around at training which distracts the others. I have sat them out in training and spoken to the parents but still this goes on. Do I decide to kick them out of the team altogether or does anyone know the miracle cure to stop this happening?
Team keep getting thrashed every week - where to start? Having been the sole coach/manager of a little league team for the past two years, this year I lost all my senior players. I was therefore presented with 10 brand new lads, some of whom have never played competitive football. We are 8 games in and my lads are getting thrashed every week. The main problems are that they cannot get the ball out of their half, positions are usually a mess, finishing and chance creation are non-existent, and they don't apply any pressure or are unable to tackle. The main problems are keeping the ball as a team, getting it in the opponents half and staying there, and creating/finishing chances. I only have 1 and a half hours a week with them. I don't really know what to do, and I'm a little desperate. Does anybody have any advice? Thanks for literally anything.
Disciplining for misbehaviour? 8-11 year olds, they dont really get bored because i know that sometimes that can be the cause. How or what can i apply a bit of strictness into the team.
in more ways than one
Here are the 5 ways that you can kickstart your 2025 in the correct way with Sportplan and make this the best coaching year you have had!
How did the Modern Olympics originally begin and why are they so culturally significant today?
The Professionalisation of Netball is changing the game. Here is how it is helping to develop the sport.
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